Thursday, July 22, 2010

In My Pull #1

I thought I'd adapt the "In My Mailbox" feature of other blogs to this here comics blog.  I changed it to "In My Pull" because that's what comics geeks call the books they've asked their local comic shop (LCS) to hold for them (both are those comicsy-lingo words that you can find in the Glossary).  Of course, I'll just include whichever books I happen to obtain in any way, whether in my actual pull or not. I hope to do this fairly regularly, but since I already own so many of the books I want to review, it probably won't happen too much for a while.  Anyway, onto the pull (not including Scott Pilgrim 6):

1. Mercury by Hope Larson.  A parallel history story between girls living in the same house 150 years apart.  Really looking forward to this.
2. Masked edited by Lou Anders.  Not actually comics!  A prose anthology of superhero stories by top comics writers (including some prose&comics writers like Marjorie M. Liu and Mike Carey).
3. Rumble Girls: Silky Warrior Tansie by Lea Hernandez.  Girls fighting in robot suits.  I could not resist.
4. The Apocalipstix written by Ray Fawkes, art by Cameron Stewart.  Girls in a band touring after Armageddon.  This promises to be a pretty sweet road trip story!

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